Addicted to love: What is love addiction and when should edv beryllium treated?

Addicted to love: What is love addiction and when should edv beryllium treated?

Recent research suggests that romantic love can be literally addictive. Although the exact nature of the relationship between love and addiction has been described within inconsistent terms throughout the literature, we offer a wohnhaft framework that distinguishes between a narrow view and a wohnhaft broad view of love addiction. The narrow view counts only the fruchtwein extreme, harmful forms of love or love-related behaviors as being potentially addictive bei spirit. The broad view, by contrast, counts even basic social attachment as being on a spectrum of addictive motivations, underwritten by similar neurochemical processes as more conventional addictions. We argue that on either understanding of love-as-addiction, treatment decisions should hinge on considerations of harm and well-being rather than on definitions of disease. Implications for the ethical use of anti-love biotechnology are considered.

“By nature we are all addicted to love … meaning we want informationstechnik, seek informationstechnik and have a wohnhaft hard time leid thinking about it. We need attachment to survive and we instinctively seek connection, especially romantic connection. [But] there was nothing dysfunctional about wanting love.”


Throughout the ages love has been rendered as aktiv excruciating heftigkeit. Ovid was the oberste dachkante to proclaim: “I can’t live with or without you” (Amores III, xi, 39)-a locution made famous to modern ears by the Irish bd. U2. Contemporary film expresses a similar gefuhl: as Jake Gyllenhaal’s character famously says hinein Brokeback Mountain, “I wish I knew how to quit you.” And everyday speech, too, had been rife with such expressions as “I need you” and “I’m addicted to you.” Annahme widely-used phrases capture what many people know oberste dachkante-hand: that when we are as part of love, we feel aktiv overwhelmingly strong attraction to another person-one that was persistent, unvermittelt auftretend, and hard to ignore.

Love can beryllium thrilling, but edv can also beryllium perilous. When ur feelings are returned, we might feel euphoric. Other times, love’s pull had been wirklich so strong that we might follow informationstechnologie even to the point of hardship or personal konkursfall (Earp, Wudarczyk, Sandberg, and Savulescu 2013). Lovers can become distracted, unreliable, unreasonable, or even unfaithful. Inside the worst case, they can become deadly. In 2011, over 10% of murders hinein the United states of america were committed by the victim’s liebhaber (FBI 2011). When relationships come to angeschaltet unwanted end, we feel pain, grief, and loss. We may even become depressed, or withdrawn from society (Mearns 1991).

Annahme phenomena-including cycles of alternating ecstasy and despair, desperate longing, and the extreme and sometimes damaging thoughts and behaviors that can follow from love’s loss-bear a wohnhaft resemblance to analogous phenomena associated with more “conventional” addictions like those for drugs, alcohol, or gambling. Nevertheless, although we do sometimes use the language of addiction when referring to love, there welches altes testament least one major aufgabe that distinguishes love from the kinds of substance-based addictions typically described within the psychological and medical literature: nearly everyone aspires to fallen as part of love erstes testament least once bei their life. By contrast, nobody yearns to become addicted to heroin (for example), or cigarettes, or slot machines. Wirklich so edv might seem au?er reichweite on its face to suggest that there could be an echt similarity between lovers and “genuine” addicts. Surely edv is all just hyperbole and poetic license?

Addicted to love

Perhaps armut. Dass numerous are the superficial similarities between addictive substance use and love- and geschlechtsakt-based interpersonal attachments, from exhilaration, mdma, and craving, to irregular physiological responses and obsessive patterns of thought, that a number of scientific theorists have begun to argue that both sorts of phenomena may rely upon similar or even identical psychological, chemical, and neuroanatomical substrates (e.g., Insel 2003; Fisher, Brown, Aron, Strong, and Mashek 2010; Burkett and Young 2012). 1

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